The Nuclear Engineering and Nuclear Technology program is a specialized discipline that integrates modern scientific and technological fields, including nuclear physics, engineering thermophysics, mechanical engineering, materials engineering, control engineering, electronic information engineering, computer science, and management science. It encompasses two main branches: nuclear power engineering and nuclear energy utilization, and nuclear technology and applications.
Guangdong Province is the largest nuclear power province in China and also the region where nuclear power was first commercially applied on a large scale in the country. The nuclear energy industry here has broad prospects for research and development, construction, and operation. Additionally, Guangdong is the fastest-growing region for nuclear technology applications in China. Furthermore, Shenzhen University is one of only two universities in China that has a nuclear reactor. This program trains students with a solid foundation in natural sciences as well as a good understanding of humanities and social sciences. Students are equipped to systematically master a wide range of technical theoretical knowledge in the field, and after graduation, they can engage in advanced engineering and technical work in research, design, manufacturing, operation, application, and management in nuclear engineering and nuclear technology-related industries.